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Rust - Automatic wipe/update, Oxide, Plugin Installer


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Rust - Automatic wipe/update, Oxide, Plugin Installer


  1. Download the config
  2. Go to TCAdmin > System > Settings > Game & Voice Hosting > Game & Other Voice Servers > Import
  3. Save the config as a new config or chose "Overwrite existing config" if you which to overwrite your current Rust config. Remember to select Rust in the 'Update Game' field if you do
  4. Leave all other settings


  • Download plugins from uMod.org using Custom Mods module
  • Automatic wipe every first Thursday of the month (update + wipe)
  • If uMod is installed, uMod will also be updated automatically when a Steam Update has run
  • Switch between branches
  • Wipe server
  • Start on only specific amount of CPU cores (default 3) - these are selected randomly
  • Easy configuration of each service using variables and configuration editor

Update/wipe automatically on wipe day:

  1. Create a new scheduled task
  2. Select 'Wipe on Rust Wipe Day'
  3. Configure the task to run once per day
  4. Configure the task under "Script Parameters"

The task needs to run every day. The task is not doing something, unless it's the first Thursday of the month.

Known issues:

  • Query doesn't properly in version 1.6.0 of this config. If it bothers you, disable Query Failure Detection from "Query Monitoring" in the game settings.


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What's New in Version 1.0.1  

  • Fixed uMod plugin downloader

I was using a method to test if uMod was installed through the mod manager. It would check for a certain unique ID. Unfortunately, this ID is not the same on other TCAdmin installations.
It no longer checks if uMod is installed.

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What's New in Version 1.0.3  

  • "New Seed" function changed to only generate seeds between -2147483647 and 2147483647. Previously, it would generate betweeen 1 and 9999999999999, but as 9999999999999 is larger than the largest 32-bit integer, any seed generated above 2147483647 would result in the seed being 2147483647 - and that happened a lot of times.
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What's New in Version  

  • "New Seed" function changed to only generate seeds between -2147483647 and 2147483647. Previously, it would generate betweeen 1 and 9999999999999, but as 9999999999999 is larger than the largest 32-bit integer, any seed generated above 2147483647 would result in the seed being 2147483647 - and that happened a lot of times.
  • Seed will also regenerate if it somehow manages to be identical to the old seed
  • Uninstall script for Rust:IO has been changed
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  • 2 weeks later...

Very much appreciate you taking the time to create this, as well as releasing this. Installing umod and updating everything via the steam update works beautifully. I'm currently on version on a windows server. Unfortunately, I have not had any success with the "wipe server" option. It actually does wipe the map data, as well as the players and blueprints successfully, however it is not changing my map seed (Definitely had it checked incase you were going to ask.) Have tried multiple times with no success. Seed is at 2246 and stays there

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2 hours ago, TheRealRSG said:

however it is not changing my map seed (Definitely had it checked incase you were going to ask.) Have tried multiple times with no success. Seed is at 2246 and stays there

Could you try opening server.cfg using Configuration Editor, saving and then trying the wipe option again?
If the seed is changed manually using Text Editor, the script can't update it. I'll see if I can find a solution to this.

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What's New in Version  

  • "Wipe Server" has had a small change - it was set to only execute on Windows by a mistake. Can now work on both Linux and Windows
    If you don't want to overwrite your existing config (since this is only one setting changed), you should open the script and change Operating System to Any.
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  • 2 weeks later...

What's New in Version 1.1.0  

  • 'Stop Delay' changed to 1
  • Script for CPU affinity has been rewritten completely. You can now define how many cores you want the services to start with (default is 3).
    Previously, this was 1 core no matter how many cores you had.
    Future update might include predefined values (2 cores if 4 cores total, 3 cores if 8 cores total, 4 cores if 12 cores total etc).
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, and thank you for creating this future for Rust. I'm not that familiar with TCAdmin yet, but i'm learning, and to be safe i don't mess things up i'm coming for support.

BeautifulSoup4 is successfully installed and i only have this step that i'm a bit confused about: "...open the game config > Custom Scripts > Download plugins directly from uMod and replace '/path/to/bs4' with your server's path the the BeautifulSoup4 library."

Where exactly can i find this line "/path/to/bs4", so i can replace it with server's path? I can't find it anywhere in "game config>Custom Scripts, so i'm guessing i'm looking in the wrong place?

Thank you for your time.

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On 11/20/2020 at 3:36 AM, numpty said:

having a problem i have tried egiting the /path/to/bs4 line but anything i put it says 

You're not using the correct path to BS4 then.


15 hours ago, Sukkerpups said:

Where exactly can i find this line "/path/to/bs4"

Well, that depends where you installed BS4. I usually install it in C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1. In C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1, there's a folder called bs4.
Therefor, I need to enter 'C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1' - and when I tell it to import bs4, it will look inside this folder.

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17 hours ago, Dennis said:

You're not using the correct path to BS4 then.


Well, that depends where you installed BS4. I usually install it in C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1. In C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1, there's a folder called bs4.
Therefor, I need to enter 'C:\beautifulsoup4-4.7.1' - and when I tell it to import bs4, it will look inside this folder.

EDIT: I figured it out. Thank you.

Edited by Sukkerpups
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  • 1 month later...

Have you tested this config when the server reaches it max players. the slot detection stops the server once it reaches its max limit. i believe rust calaculates the users in queue as users as well were tcadmin will count them as players exceeding the limits then it stop the service as per query monitoring slots detection config. solving that matter would be highly appreciated if possible.

At the moment i disabled slots detection in order to avoid stopping the service but i think that is not the optimal way to go for it. Thx

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What's New in Version 1.2.0  

  • If you were having issues with the Rust server not being able to start, please update. This version fixes an issue that would happen if the shutdown command via rcon would not work.
    Please click "Update existing services" from the game's configuration page after installing.
  • uMod download script has been removed. It's no longer necessary to include the Python 2.7 library.
    Use the Custom Mods module to install mods from uMod:
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Another issue i found yesterday is once installing uMod from the Mods section. After installing umod, the server stuck and doesnt stop, restart, reinstall, or delete .. etc with the following error:

"Could not load file or assembly 'system.Numerics' or one of the its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

Any suggestions. Hint: tcadmin installed is


Edited by conceptr980
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22 minutes ago, Dennis said:

Have you installed the latest version of the config? I fixed an issue yesterday where the service couldn't be started/stopped/restarted.

Yeah i think its working without issues in your newest config but you should have mentioned its 1.2.1 instead of 1.2.0 😇


Edited by conceptr980
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