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Brink configs


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Here's a config if anyone needs it.



//-------------- BRINK GLOBAL SETTINGS ----------------//
//Server name
si_name "%hostname%"
si_adminName ""
si_email "support@diabolic-servers.com"
si_irc ""
si_motd_1 ""
si_motd_2 ""
si_motd_3 ""
si_motd_4 ""
si_website "http://www.diabolic-servers.com"
si_serverURL ""

//Rcon password
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "%rconpassword%"

//Private server password
g_password %privatepassword%
si_needpass %isprivate%

//Allow borrowing your game server to players which are playing coop mode [0 = no, 1 = yes ]
net_allowServerHijacking 0

//Setting the game server to multiplayer mode ( don't change this setting! )
si_onlineMode 3

//Maximum player rank [ 0 = Rank 1 players only, 1 = rank 1 and 2 players only , 2 = rank 1,2,3 players only
// 3 = rank 1,2,3 and 4 players only , 4 = all ranks allowed
si_maxRank 4

//-------------- GAMEPLAY CONFIGURATION ----------------//
si_rules sdGameRulesObjective // Rules [ Multiplayer = sdGameRulesStopWatch, sdGameRulesObjective ] Singleplayer [ sdGameRulesChallenge, sdGameRulesCampaign ]
si_playmode 2 // [ 0 = solo, 1 = coop , 2 = versus ]
si_teamDamage 1 // Friendly fire [ 0 = off , 1 = on ]
si_minPlayers 2 // Minimum number of players to start a match
si_spectators 0 // Enable spectating [ = off, 1 = on ]
si_timelimit 20 // Time limit in minutes [ default = 20 ]
si_teamForceBalance 0 // Sets if player can join only the team if less players [ 0 = off , 1 = on ]
si_disableVoting 1 // Disable voting [ 0 = off, 1 = on ]
si_botDifficulty 1 // Bot difficulty [ -1 = ANY, 0 = EASY, 1 = NORMAL, 2 = HARD ]
si_readyPercent 51 // Percentage of players needed to start a match [ default = 51 ]
si_warmupSpawn 1 // Allow warmup spawning [ 0 = off , 1 = Allow and restart when enough players , 2 = Allow and don't restart when enough players ]
si_enemyTintEnabled 1 // Rim lighting tints on enemies [ 0 = off, 1 = on ]
si_allowLateJoin 1 // Allow player to join the game without waiting for round to finish [ 0 = Don't allow , 1 = Allow ]
si_allowOvertime 1 // Allow Overtime [ 0 = off, 1 = on ]
si_disableGlobalChat 0 // Global chat [ 0 = enabled , 1 = disabled ]

//-------------- VOIP ----------------//
si_globalVoipEnabled 1 // GLobal VOIP [ 0 = off, 1 = on ]
si_teamVoipEnabled 1 // Team VOIP [ 0 = off , 1 = on ]

//-------------- LOAD GAMETYPE ----------------//
// Modes:
// Campaign - This is the game mode to be used for playing Brinks's campaign mode, which takes the player through each faction's story campaign and the maps in order.
// It can be played in solo or Co-Op. This mode is essentially the traditional singleplayer/co-op style story mode.
// Challenge - These are small scripted maps that set the player a challenge to complete with the best score they can get. This mode can be played solo or Co-Op
// Objective - This is the basic multiplayer mode and shares similar rules to Campaign, it will be familiar to players of Wolf:ET and ETQW. Initially this is likely to be the 
// most popular mode for multiplayer Brink
// Stopwatch - Stopwatch is a variant of Objective, where at the completion of a match the teams are swapped over and the defenders during the first half of the match attempt 
// to set a faster time than the one the attackers set. This will also be familiar to players of Wolf:ET and ETQW.

// Uncomment ( remove // in front ) ONLY 1 type of the game type you want to start ( If you don't uncomment server will run with custom (Gameplay configuration) )
//exec server_objective_standard_vs.cfg
//exec server_objective_oldskool_vs.cfg
//exec server_objective_competition_vs.cfg
//exec server_objective_advanced_vs.cfg

//exec server_stopwatch_standard_vs.cfg
//exec server_stopwatch_oldskool_vs.cfg
//exec server_stopwatch_competition_vs.cfg
//exec server_stopwatch_advanced_vs.cfg

//exec server_challenge_coop2.cfg
//exec server_challenge_coop3.cfg
//exec server_challenge_coop4.cfg

//exec server_campaign_security_coop.cfg
//exec server_campaign_resistance_coop.cfg

//-------------- MAP ROTATION ----------------//
//Execute map rotation [ Working only with si_rules = sdGameRulesObjective or si_rules = sdGameRulesStopWatch ]
exec map_rotation.cfg

//Start a server with a map
spawnServer mp/aquarium


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we're having issues with brink on server 2008 with tcadmin. it refuses to allow it to do it's initial path search on start up. We have it working but we are still working on it to do it properly and not the hack and slash way we have.


Does anyone know if you can set the service TCAdmin createS to be a specific user?


Works fine on server 2003 btw using the same tcadmin scrip

Edited by Humbug
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+set net_ip my.ip.here.woot


The game binds 3 ports, at the moment the dedicated server has a bug that means only the game port binds to a specific IP. In a multi-homed environment the query port and the Stats port are automatically binding to the "Default" ip address.


I don't have an ETA on a fix so you might want to make configs that assume single IP available to the game per box.



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Randles, we figured that out a few pages ago and I believe everyone has adjusted their TCAdmin game configurations to match.


The problem some of us are having now with Server 2008 and Brink is that it will not run properly. In our case, just letting it run under SYSTEM or under a limited user account prevents it from starting properly. Humbug was having a similar but different issue.


One of our staff figured out that if we create an Admin account, and assign the game service to run under that, it will work. So the question now is, what windows user permissions are required for BRINK to actually start properly?

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What we've found in addition (and to confirm) what is listed here is that:


1. The game does need to run under an actual user account. Some of them do need Admin accounts, others will work under a normal user

2. You can enter the starting map as a command line +set spawnserver. We were only able to get Stopwatch servers to run with this. If it was only in the config the server would enter the "pre-console launch" state. Objective servers started with the map name in either the config or the command line

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Phantom, I am not following on the issue you are describing. Are you saying that it will not load at all, or that some game types will not load? I have not had an issue with the server loading after adding the starting map. Also the config that Goran posted works well. I am just trying to replicate the issue you are having. What OS are you running (2008, 2008 r2, 2003r2)



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We are running 2008 and 2008 R2 (R2 for the most part). The first install I did ran fine under the System account, but no other installs did. Phantom was able to get some others running under an admin account, but still not seeing any logic behind what is allowing/preventing them to run.


Phantom, I am not following on the issue you are describing. Are you saying that it will not load at all, or that some game types will not load? I have not had an issue with the server loading after adding the starting map. Also the config that Goran posted works well. I am just trying to replicate the issue you are having. What OS are you running (2008, 2008 r2, 2003r2)



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If you guys are using the cfg posted in this thread it is INCORRECT!


Its missing a line thats needed to run multiples..



+set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +exec server.cfg +spawnserver mp/aquarium.entities +set si_maxPlayers


Note Customport1


The auth port must increment or you won't get multiples on all your machines. Its in the documentation on

page 2 >>>>>>>>>> 1.1.1. Port Mappings


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If you guys are using the cfg posted in this thread it is INCORRECT!


Its missing a line thats needed to run multiples..



+set net_serverDedicated 1 +set net_ip %serverip% +set net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +exec server.cfg +spawnserver mp/aquarium.entities +set si_maxPlayers


Note Customport1


The auth port must increment or you won't get multiples on all your machines. Its in the documentation on

page 2 >>>>>>>>>> 1.1.1. Port Mappings



There are 2 configs posted here. Here is the command line for the one from Goran


net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +set net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress %serverip% +set si_maxPlayers %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server.cfg


This appears to be the same. Are you stating that this config will not work?



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There are 2 configs posted here. Here is the command line for the one from Goran


net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +set net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress %serverip% +set si_maxPlayers %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server.cfg


This appears to be the same. Are you stating that this config will not work?




No his is correct with that parameter. I only saw the one on page2. I must have missed the other updated one.


We always make our own and never use community posted ones that much. I read these posts after and saw all the issues people were having so I thought that may have

been it.

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There are 2 configs posted here. Here is the command line for the one from Goran


net_serverPort %serverport% +set net_serverPortMaster %queryport% +set net_serverPortAuth %customport1% +set net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress %serverip% +set si_maxPlayers %slots% +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server.cfg


This appears to be the same. Are you stating that this config will not work?




Goran and gemcneill --


Thanks alot for your efforts. Will give the above a run coupled with your contribution here.



Question: Anyone believe there will be an update that will actually respect IP binding?

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I too was having an issue getting the game to show in the browser or HLSW.

After looking into this more I found by adding this to my server.cfg it starts right up and can be seen and joined:

si_maxPlayersHuman 16


Was set to:

si_maxPlayersHuman -1


Not to be confused with si_maxPlayers as that is different.

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