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Bit of a bump, however the console reads the output from the log.log.txt file which is inside server/myserver/log.log.txt


If someone changes their server identity (which many do) the file no longer exists at server/myserver/log.log.txt instead it will be server/identity/log.log.txt


How can we pair them up so the console works if they can name it anything?

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  • 1 month later...
Sometimes I'd really wish that people at least tried searching the forums or Google... Rust doesn't have Linux binaries.


I must be dumb... But these are Linux binaries provided directly by steamcmd. Isn't it?



Also, i see the Rust Dedicated Server on linux list here:


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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
It does what? I've never seen this. Setting maxplayers wouldn't create new available slots, would it?


yes it would.


rust overwrite maxplaters + 10 i guess


i add additional +10 slots for rust server on query monitoring but tcadmin and rust see maxplayers differently.


tcadmin add 10 slots then rust add 10 slots then game server restarting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

Has anyone else noticed the crazy amount of resource usage from this game when running as a dedicated server?


Rust uses 10% CPU (while the server is empty) on a dual Intel Xeon Silver 4110 server and causes 120.000 context switches per second. The extreme increase in context switches even triggered a warning from the monitoring software :oh noes

It's also using 3GB of RAM on an empty server.

It's like developers don't even care about performance optimization..


Is there a way to decrease the resource usage of this game?

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I've tried a smaller map, but it's not making a difference.


According to the task manager the process "only" uses 10% CPU, but when you look at the graph it's maxing out an entire socket (about 10-30 seconds after starting the process).



When I looked closer I even noticed that during startup it spikes on all 32 cores for a few seconds:



Perhaps we can simply assign only one or two random/lowly utilized cores to the game? Is there a setting or custom_action for this which we can set in the game template?

Edited by gijs007
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Mine is the same as razio. Rust. Maxes out my server then once fully booted it calms. Down lot's. Can I ask a question gijs007. Where do tmyou get your server from. I've been looking for one like that with. Lots of cores n ram. A link would be great

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