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Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare configs


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I think you need to clarify that you don't acutally have the server files. ;)


Well I never said I had them hehe.

Anyway I should get the game wednesday and then I will get some servers online asap but I gues you Americans get the game today or tomorrow already.

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Don't Suppose someone would be willing to let me have a copy of the host files would you? I am more than willing to pay for bandwidth ect. I just found out my copy is "delayed" bad part about being in remote Canada. Anyways if anyone would be up for this please feel free to send me an email jlapp@crcable.net if I have put this in the wrong area sorry.Oh forgot to add my Server is in Chicago

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This is why you should never post a config unless you have verified it first. Everyone needs to calm down and take a breath. The game doesn't get released until tomorrow, and most people will not even have the game until afternoon time.


There are already 30 servers up and not more than 3 have players on them, so don't be so worried about having the first server up. Take you time and make a correct config when you have the game files, then test it properly.

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Hehe your guy must work at my local GameStop too ;) MUHAHAHA the world is ours.


I would be willing to pay you for access so I can download the files. I would like to get my configs and all nice and working perfect early.


Thank you! :)


Willing to write blank check. *sarcasm* ;)


email: war|at|codoriginalservers.com

phone: 334 315 2258

phone #2: 334 239 0911

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