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Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare configs


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Ok this might be stupid - but I am getting a dx3dx9_34.dll missing.


I remeber going through this with ARMA and i installed DX9C on the server - now like most 1U's there is nothing but whatever generic vid that is either on the board or a small card.


Also I have as the executable IW3MP.exe this is the correct file isn't it.





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Thanks i got the dll error fixed. I created a server manually. Even though it shows under the auto creation section it wouldn't create one.


When i created it manually and executed it - i got a warning of the filecheck.cfg was not in the correct directory???


My directrory is C:\gameinstalls\cod4


However when I run it from a short cut on the desktop it works beautifully.


Im stuck....:-(

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Also like the others stated if you use TCAdmin it will auto create and it wont ask for a video card. It does require Direct X be updated to the latest version. I found it wont pop up on the desktop unless you install the up to date version.

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Do they show on your server that there running ? Check make sure the console shows there running before anything. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes people forgot to check the map rotation etc. to see if the console actually shows the game running.

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Has anyone had issues with some servers not showing up in the browse list?


I've made sure that firewall rules are not blocking queries, etc. Ideas?






I have had some issues with our not showing up from time to time....I think it might be an issue with the master server. Seems to be working fine now.

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Well I finally got it running and showing on two different servers ...my mind is so warpped I got to think what I did to fix it.


1. I updated DX with the dxweb tool I found in this article. http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13490&highlight=command+line


2. I updated PB with the PBServer tool.


3. I reloaded the config through the import function.


That was where my mistake was - I was manually installing the config into the gameinstall\cod4 directory instead of using game import. I had the game on line by a shortcut, but in game I couldn't see the name for the server - I just saw COD 4 Host and the IP of one of our servers when I checked it out. I then realized it wasn't picking up my config. Just then I got the game server creation report in the email and it said "No default config" DING! That was it.


So I imported the config I had on my desktop and everything worked. I can see the servers via Game Monitor - In gameBrowser and HLSW.


What is the morale - "Murphy's Law says that the more you rush a project for a customer, the longer it will take to complete it."



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The old 'car won't make a sound when you take it in to the mechanic' trick. :)


As soon as I posted, the customer said it showed, so I am going to mark it up to Master server issues, lol.


Thanks for the quick replies!! Much love to the community...


Also... I am going to open a thread re: Colocrossing in another section - would like some feedback.


Thanks, all!!


**edit - actually after reading posting rules - i'll refrain from asking about CC. If anyone has experience they'd like to share with CC, maybe share emails? thanks **

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I haven\'t been able to get the RCON Client on the Server Status & Administration page to work yet for COD4.


I\'ve got my password in just fine but I get this everytime I try a command:




Any suggestions as to what I should do?



Everything else works just fine, and the server is listing properly. The server sure likes RAM, it idles at around 150 and as soon as people come in it goes 250MB+ in a hurry.

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I saw reference to ColoCrossing in this thread and wanted to ask some questions to current clients.


//now back to COD4 support - sorry for hijack. :)


What I thought, I would highly recommend them to anyone, but they have had some power issues in Dallas over the past few days. Preventing them from setting up new machines. They are trying there best though. :)

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I haven\'t been able to get the RCON Client on the Server Status & Administration page to work yet for COD4.


I\'ve got my password in just fine but I get this everytime I try a command:




Any suggestions as to what I should do?



Everything else works just fine, and the server is listing properly. The server sure likes RAM, it idles at around 150 and as soon as people come in it goes 250MB+ in a hurry.


I have never been above 210mb, even with a full 32 man server.....

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Well the game was released only today in the UK, and I have my copy. Gonna take me forever and a day to upload a copy to my server farm though! Does anyone have a high speed link I can download the files from directly? Would be much appreciated!

Does anyone know exactly which files are required to host the server? Obviously the .iwd files, but do we also need the massive files in the zone and video folders?

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I am just trying to get status to work. That is the only command I have been trying.


Not sure what I have to do to get this to work...


Double check that you have the query port set the same as the game port in the config. And also make sure nothing is blocking the port such as a firewall or anti-virus.

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Well the game was released only today in the UK, and I have my copy. Gonna take me forever and a day to upload a copy to my server farm though! Does anyone have a high speed link I can download the files from directly? Would be much appreciated!

Does anyone know exactly which files are required to host the server? Obviously the .iwd files, but do we also need the massive files in the zone and video folders?



I am pretty sure 24play1 has a download location and he is located in the UK.

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