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Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare configs


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Ah that's crap. :(


I hope I can ask this here (if not, delete my posts please):

I've got a downloaded version of CoD4 on my PC.

So not retail and no official key.

Can I use these files to host or will there be trouble with ranking etc.?


go buy the game, you'll need a valid key code. If i'm wrong, well go buy the game anyways.


Your basically asking people here to ok you using pirated software on a server.


not gonna happen :(

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You do not need to unpack them if you have the directory structure correct.


would you be able to tell me the correct file structure, I left the structure the exact same as it installed, I just compiled it all into and .rar file minus the main/videos dir. I used RAR to pack it up. Is the ok? or must it be .zip?



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OK well I made some more progress, but not really sure what's going on.


I put the .rar in c:/GameInstalls/COD4/ then I went to TCAdmin and Game services and created a new server. it told me that it would email me when it's ready. So I waited a while, then looked and it was done, it copied the .rar file to the c:/userfiles/admin folder, and created a main folder with a pb folder inside that and a server.cfg. That's all.


I installed punkbuster on the server, pointed it to the c:/userfiles/ADMIN/main folder as that's where my cod files would be right. how can I point it to the c:/GameInstalls/COD4/ when it won't find a .exe file. I also did that before I saw that it only copied the .rar to my userfiles folder.


So anyways, it will come up with the server as running, but you cannot connect to it.


I'm unsure what to do now... I'm going wrong somewhere but not to sure, I can't really find any post's or documentation on this... anyone with some advice please let me hear it.


Thank you


P.s sorry for the triple post in a row, but wanted to keep each step seperate.

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You need to place the rar in c:/GameInstalls/COD4.rar not c:/GameInstalls/COD4/COD4.rar


The server is not running because it does not extract the file if you place it inside the folder.


ok, when I install PB where do I tell it to point to?


as there is no install assuming i'm just setting it up and it wants a location for iw3mp.exe?


that part I don't get, but i just put the .rar in the correct spot and am going to try installing another game service for it.


Thanks for the reply

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OK, well I'm definatly missing a step here.


I take the cod4.rar out of c:/gameinstalls/cod4/ and then when I goto "create a game and voice server" there are no game types defined for me to choose from.


I put that .rar back into the c:/gameinstalls/cod4/ folder, and it shows me COD4 as listed and can create. Which I didn't do again, but what's going on?


Do i need to add a game services for cod4? first, then create games after that?


thanks :(:~:~:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many are having the issue of the game server installs but they cannot conenct to the server. I had the same issue and found that the file d3dx9_34.dll needs to be installed to teh C:\Windows\System32 directory.


This fixed my server asap


If you need a copy of this file email me singleshotvgs[a]gmail.com

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's just the .exe for windows and the bin file for linux.


ahh really, had ppl asking me about it, hadn't even looked into it yet... but now that i doo i notice other files changed too.. well modified anyways, but could just be getting written too...


notice any PB updated files?


.exe is only 3 megs, why would the zip for the 1.5 d/l be 11megs?

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